Course: Software Product Development for Startups

A practical course in software product development for startups and entrepreneurs. Learn how to turn a core technology or idea into a software product which delights users, succeeds in the marketplace and becomes a profitable business. We will study many examples of product and company successes and failures along the way.

2014-5 course

Full syllabus (PDF) for the 2014-5 course at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo.

  1. Introduction to Software Startups - PDF (15 MB)
  2. The Software Entrepreneurship Process - PDF
  3. User Interface Principles - PDF (24 MB)
  4. User Interface Design - PDF
  5. Selling Products and Services - PDF
  6. Digital Advertising - PDF (13 MB)
  7. Web API Design - PDF
  8. Marketing for Startups - PDF (15 MB)
  9. Customer Retention - PDF (11 MB)
  10. Analytics and Optimization - PDF

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Startup Tips